Dienstag, 30. September 2008

Slowboy and a meeting

Letzten Dienstag war die hier vorgestellte Ausstellung "Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof" in der Galerie SlowBoy, bei der auch  die Künstler anwesend waren.

Wir haben daher Grafikerin Diana Sudyka ein paar Fragen gestellt!

R: Please describe Dusseldorf in four words!

D: Grey, industrial, urban, traditional.

R: Do you have a special hallmark?

D: A printing press with my initials.

R: What are the differences between you and other artists?

D: Too many to list; every artist is different and every art genré has different criteria. I dont consider myself as an artist. I would say I am an illustrator and create things to serve a purpose in addition to my owm vision.

R: In which atmosphere are you working?

D: Genré? Illustration and music poster art.

R: Where do you get the inspiration from?

D: Everything, but mainly nature, children, illustrators and old engravings.

R: How do you involve your personality into your art?

D: It is there whether I conscrously want it to be or not.

R: Your favourite song during work?

D: I like many types of music and listen to a wide variety while I work, depending on my mood. If I am working on a poster for a particular band, I listen to their music!

Thank you!

Visit more by www.dianasudyka.com

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